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    FAQ — Copy Trading
    bybit2024-04-16 12:12:45
    For Master TradersFor Followers

    Most Recent Master Trader FAQ 

    1. Understanding my Copy Trading P&L

    2. Can I edit my Master Trader Profile?

    3. Why am I unable to locate my profile on the Top Master Traders Page?

    4. How can I cancel my Master Trader status?

    For any inquiries, please read more FAQs below or submit a request here

    Any feedback on our new changes or features, please let our product team know here!

    General Inquiries

    What is Copy Trading?

    Copy Trading is a portfolio management tool that allows traders to copy trades executed by expert investors in the markets.

    What tokens does Bybit support for Derivatives Copy Trading?

    Currently, only USDT is supported.

    Are there any KYC requirements for Derivatives Copy Trading?

    Yes, Individual KYC Lv. 1 or Business KYC is required. For more information on how to verify your account, please refer to How to Complete Individual KYC Verification or FAQ — Business KYC.

    Can I use Derivatives Copy Trading with a Subaccount?

    Yes, Derivatives Copy Trading is supported under Subaccount.

    Where can I find the API documentation for Derivatives Copy Trading?

    You can find the API documentation here. For any inquiries regarding API, you can join our official API Telegram group via this link, and the API admins and community will be able to assist you. 

    Can I use claimed bonuses and coupons for trades in Derivatives Copy Trading?
    No, bonuses and coupons cannot be used in Derivatives Copy Trading. 

    What are the fees associated with a copy trade?

    The trading fee and funding fee are the same as the rates incurred when you trade on Bybit's Derivatives platform. No extra fees will be charged.

    Does the VIP fee rate apply to trades in Derivatives Copy Trading?

    Yes, the VIP fee rate applies to trades in Derivatives Copy Trading.

    Where can I get updates on Copy Trading?

    To get the latest updates on Copy Trading, please stay tuned to our Bybit Official Announcements or join our Bybit Copy Trading Telegram channel.

    Under what circumstances will I receive a risk notification for Copy Trading?

    You may receive different risk alert notifications via email based on different scenarios as follows:


    Risk notification


    Liquidation Alert

    Master Trader will receive only one alert every 24 hours for each position. For more information, please refer to this page


    Disclaimer: It is strongly recommended for users to continue monitoring their Copy Trading account in case of notification delay or glitch. Bybit will not be held responsible for liquidations or loss of funds resulting directly or indirectly from the alert feature’s malfunction. 

    Which trading pairs are supported by Copy Trading USDT Perpetual?

    You can view the supported trading pairs for Copy Trading USDT Perpetual via this link.

    Do I need to manually transfer my funds to the Copy Trading Account to start Copy Trading?

    Yes, you will need to manually transfer your funds into the Copy Trading Account. You can go to My Copy Trading → Transfer. For more information, please refer to How to Get Started Derivatives Copy Trading on Bybit (Master Trader).



    Master Trader Application and Profit Sharing

    How do I apply to be a Copy Trading Master Trader?

    You can click on Join as Trader on the Copy Trading Page to apply as a Master Trader. For more information, please refer to How to Become a Master Trader.




    Can I edit my Master Trader Profile?

    Yes, you can edit your profile from here, it may take up to 5 working days for our team to review it. Please note that once you make a change, you must wait 180 days before changing it again. Master Traders are not allowed to include any links, or sensitive and abusive information in their profiles. For more information, please visit this page.




    Why am I unable to locate my profile on the Top Master Traders Page?

    In order to qualify for the Top Master Traders rankings, Master Traders will need to reach the required criteria which vary for each category. Once achieved, all Master Traders’ profiles will be ranked according to specific settings. You can see the detailed list of criteria and settings for each ranking in this article.


    How does profit sharing for Derivatives Copy Trading work on Bybit?

    Master Traders will get a ratio of the profit earned by each of their Followers according to the Master Trader RankFor more information, please refer to Derivatives Copy Trading: Profit Sharing Explained.

    How can I cancel, reverse or deactivate my Master Trader status?

    Currently, the Master Trader status cannot be reversed, deactivated, or canceled. However, you can create a subaccount which allows you to start as a follower to copy and follow different Master Traders. To learn more about how to create a new subaccount, please refer to this guide.

    Leverage, Entry Price and Liquidation Related

    How can I view my position's liquidation price?

    You can go to My Copy Trading → Orders → By Contract → to check for the Liquidation Price.




    The Liquidation Price is derived based on the position with orders for the same trading pairs opened in the same direction consolidated. When the Mark Price reaches your Liquidation Price, the entire position will be liquidated. You are advised to set TP/SL orders in advance to manage the liquidation risk accordingly.


    For more information, please refer to How to Navigate Copy Trading User Center (Master Trader).

    How can I view my position's average entry price?

    You can view your position average entry price from the position tab of the USDT Perpetual Trading Page.

    P&L Related

    What is the difference between the "By Order" tab and the "By Contract" tab on the Master Trader’s orders page?

    Under the By Order tab, it shows the orders placed by the Master Traders individually.

    Under the By Contract tab, all orders for the same trading pair opened in the same direction are consolidated into one position. The Average Entry Price, Order Quantity, Mark Price, and Liquidation Price are displayed in position perspective. It will only be reset until the respective direction of position is fully closed.



    Order Limits

    What is the maximum leverage for Derivatives Copy Trading?

    The maximum leverage is different for each trading pair. You can check the maximum leverage from the leverage adjustment window when you initiate a trade. 


    Are there any price-setting limits for long/short orders in Derivatives Copy Trading?

    The price-setting limits for initiating copy trades are the same as Derivatives contract trades. For more details, please refer to Contract Price Limits.

    What is the maximum number of orders that can be placed by Master Traders?

    The maximum number of orders that can be placed by Master Traders is 500 active orders and 20 conditional orders, across all trading pairs.

    Is there a limit to the order quantity of each copy trade initiated by the Master Trader?

    Yes. Minimum or maximum order quantity limits are the same as for Derivatives trading pairs. You can view the details of different Derivatives trading pairs here.

    What is the maximum copy trade quota for each trading pair of the Master Trader?

    The maximum copy trade quota that can be opened is 2.5% of the open interest of the respective trading pair with both long and short directions.



    — The open interest mentioned above refers to the total number of Derivatives contracts for the corresponding trading pair that have not been settled on Bybit.

    — The maximum copy trade quota for each trading pair is the sum of the open interest of the Master Trader and all of his Followers.

    — After the Master Trader opens a new copy trade and reaches the maximum quota, his Followers can't copy the trades, and the Master Trader is unable to continue to initiate copy trades. 

    Copy Trading Trading Bots Related

    Why do Copy Trading Trading Bots and USDT Perpetual Trading support different USDT trading pairs? 

    The selection of underlying supported pairs is based on individual product evaluations and market liquidity analysis. We are actively working to expand our offerings, ensuring support for a wider range of USDT trading pairs across both Copy Trading Trading Bot and USDT Perpetual Trading.

    I am using a UTA Master Trader account; why does the trading bot still need USDT despite having sufficient collateral in other coins?

    Although UTA supports multiple coins as collateral, trading bots require USDT. This is because, upon bot creation, funds are separated from the UTA trading account and designated for the sole purpose of maintaining the bot's operation.

    Can followers view my trading bot parameters as a Master Trader?

    No, followers can have access to check their invested amount to the bot or Total P&L (live data), set up TP/SL, or manually terminate the bot.

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