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    Bankruptcy Price (Inverse Contract)
    bybit2023-12-04 13:24:02

    Bankruptcy Price is a price level that indicates you have lost all your initial margin. 

    Isolated Margin Method:

    For Buy/Long:
    Bankruptcy Price= Entry Price X [(Leverage)/(leverage+1)]

    For Sell/Short:
    Bankruptcy Price= Entry Price X [(Leverage)/(leverage-1)]


    Upon liquidation, the liquidated position will be closed at the Bankruptcy Price, and this means that you have lost all the position margin. If the liquidated position has its final liquidation price better than the bankruptcy price, the excess margin will be contributed to the Insurance Fund. Vice versa, if the liquidated position has its final liquidation price worse than the bankruptcy price, the Insurance fund will cover the loss gap.

    Bankruptcy Price is also used to calculate the fee to close position, reflected in the Order Cost.

    Cross Margin Method:

    *Note: Only Applicable if submitting a new order where fee to open has not been realized

    **Note: For long position, the bankruptcy price will be rounded up to the nearest 0.5 decimal place or integer while for short position, the bankruptcy price will be rounded down to the nearest 0.5 decimal place or integer.


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